


みなとみらいと横浜中華街Minato Mirai and Yokohama Chinatown
【桜木町駅Sakuragicho 発】
バスで行くみなとみらい、三渓園、中華街ランチMinato Mirai, Sankeien, Chinatown lunch by bus

大人おひとり様 お申込可能な日程なし
コース番号 ツアー種別 ブランド名
BY 日帰り 夢ワクツアー
出発地 目的地 最少催行人数
桜木町駅Sakuragicho みなとみらいMinato 10名
添乗員 バスガイド 食事
同行 なし 朝食なし・昼食1回・夕食なし


三渓園Sankeien Garden
三溪園は175,000㎡に及ぶ園内に京都や鎌倉などから移築された歴史的に価値の高い建造物が巧みに配置されています。Sankeien Garden covers an area of 175,000 square meters and is skillfully arranged with historically valuable buildings relocated from Kyoto, Kamakura, and other areas.
港の見える丘公園Port View Hill Pa
横浜港を見下ろす小高い丘にある公園です。港の見える丘公園の「イングリッシュローズの庭」は、横浜でも有数のバラの名所です。This park is located on a small hill overlooking Yokohama Port. The English Rose Garden at Minato-no-Meru-Oka Park is one of Yokohama's most famous rose viewing spots.
横浜ベイブリッジYokohama Bay Brid
高度経済成長期によって悪化した横浜の渋滞解消を目的に建設され、横浜の交通網を支える重要な役割を果たしている。It was built to relieve Yokohama's traffic congestion, which worsened during the period of high economic growth, and plays an important role in supporting Yokohama's transportation network.




日 程 内 容


Sakuragicho Station (meeting at 10am) - Shin-Yamashita IC - Yokohama Bay Bridge (from the train window) - Sankeien IC - Sankeien (get off and sightsee) (60 minutes) - Dolphin (from the train window) - Yamate (from the train window) --Foreign Cemetery (car window) --Port View Hill Park (disembarking for sightseeing) (30 minutes) --Chongqing Saryo (lunch/custom-order buffet) --Chi-san's Mala Khao (disbands around 2:40 p.m.)






・This tour will meet at Sakuragicho Station, tour Minato Mirai by bus, have lunch at Yokohama Chinatown, and then disperse on-site.

・You will have to walk from Minato no Mieru Oka Park to the dining area.

If you would like to be picked up by bus to the meeting place or from the dissolution place, please let us know at the time of application (separate fee applies).

・The required time is only a guideline. Please note that times may vary slightly.