

ご選択中ツアー/Selected tour

天園ハイキングと竹の寺で抹茶Hike in Tenen and enjoy matcha at Temple.
【北鎌倉駅Kita St. 発】
天園ハイキングと竹の寺で抹茶を楽しむHike in Tenen and enjoy matcha at Houkoku Temple.

大人おひとり様 7,000円(税込)
コース番号 ツアー種別 ブランド名
K2 日帰り 夢ワクツアー
出発地 目的地 最少催行人数
北鎌倉駅Kita St. 天園ハイキングhike 5名
添乗員 バスガイド 食事
同行 なし 朝食なし・昼食1回・夕食なし

このツアーのおすすめポイント/Recommended points for this tour

建長寺Kencho Temple
梵鐘(国宝)に「建長禅寺」とあり、建長寺は日本で最初に”禅寺”と称した中国宋朝風の臨済禅だけを修行する専門道場。The temple bell (a national treasure) says ``Kencho Zenji'', and Kenchoji is the first dojo in Japan to practice Rinzai Zen, styled in the Song dynasty of China, and was called a ``Zen temple.''
報国寺Hokoku Temple
本堂奥の竹の庭では、2000本の竹と四季折々の草花の姿を楽しめます。竹の庭を眺めながらお抹茶と干菓子を楽しめます。 In the bamboo garden at the back of the main hall, you can enjoy 2,000 bamboo trees and seasonal flowers. You can enjoy matcha tea and dried sweets while looking out at the bamboo garden.
鶴岡八幡宮Tsurugaoka Hachimang
鎌倉市雪ノ下にある神社です。11世紀後半に、源氏の守り神として創建され、以後鎌倉武士の守護神となりました。This is a shrine located in Yukinoshita, Kamakura City. It was founded in the late 11th century as the guardian deity of the Genji clan, and later became the guardian deity of the Kamakura samurai.

ツアーお申込み/Application for tour

Please select the date and time you would like to apply for from the prices in the calendar.
※The prices in the calendar are per person, including tax.


日 程/Schedule 内 容/Contents
1日目/First day


Kita-Kamakura Station (meet at 10am) ===Kenchoji Temple (visiting) (20 minutes)===Hanzobo===Hyakuhachi Yagura===Ohirayama===Tenen Rest Area (lunch/toilet) (30 minutes) Minutes) = = = Zuisenji = = = Kamakura Shrine = = = Hokokuji (Bamboo Garden) (Visit/Matcha) = = = Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine (Visit) (30 minutes) = = Kamakura Station (15:00) Scheduled to disband around)









・This is a tour that will meet at Kita-Kamakura Station and disband at Kamakura Station.

・This is a hiking tour on foot, so please wear comfortable shoes.

・Lunch boxes will be distributed at the time of gathering.

・The required time is only a guideline. Please note that times may vary slightly.

・Due to the risk of injury, the event will be canceled in case of rain. In that case, we will contact you.

・If you would like bus transportation, please let us know when you apply (separate fee applies).