ご選択中ツアー/Selected tour
長谷寺、鎌倉大仏、古民家ランチVisit Hase Temple ,Great Buddha. Lunch at an old folk house.
コース番号 | ツアー種別 | ブランド名 |
K3 | 日帰り | 夢ワクツアー |
出発地 | 目的地 | 最少催行人数 |
鎌倉駅Kamakura St. | 鎌倉大仏Kamakura | 5名 |
添乗員 | バスガイド | 食事 |
同行 | なし | 朝食なし・昼食1回・夕食なし |
このツアーのおすすめポイント/Recommended points for this tour
ツアーお申込み/Application for tour
Please select the date and time you would like to apply for from the prices in the calendar.
※The prices in the calendar are per person, including tax.
日 程/Schedule | 内 容/Contents |
1日目/First day |
鎌倉駅(8時50分集合)=<江ノ電>=長谷駅===長谷寺(参拝)(30分)===高徳院・鎌倉大仏(拝観)===佐助稲荷神社(参拝)(20分)===銭洗弁財天宇賀福神社(参拝)(20分)===鎌倉歴史文化交流館(拝観)(40分)===SASHO(昼食)(60分)===鎌倉駅(14時20分頃解散) Kamakura Station (meeting at 8:50) = |
・This is a tour that will meet at Kamakura Station and disband at Kamakura Station.
・This is a walking tour, so please wear comfortable shoes.
・If you would like bus transportation, please let us know when you apply (separate fee applies).
・Please note that the lunch location may be changed to a similar class.
・The required time is only a guideline. Please note that times may vary slightly.
・Depending on the situation, the course may be reversed. note that.